Law of Motion

Motion :: The Factor that changed the position of object is known as motion
       Motion is common factor everywhere in universe , we can observe motion small scale to large scale such as :- walking , breathing , motion of air particles , motion of electron  motion of earth , motion of sun , motion of galaxy , and many other objects shows motion.

Law of Motion :: the law's of Motion were given by Newton , there were three law's of Motion we will discuss about law's of Motion in detail with some example.

1. First law of motion ::
                According to first law of motion , if an object is in a rest state then it will remain in rest state and if an object is in the moving state then it will remain in moving state until an external force not work on object , this is first law of motion and it also known as Galileo law of Inertia ,
we can understand easily first law of Motion by concept of Inertia -
       Concept Of Inertia

Rememberable point :: 
→The first law of motion define force.
→ In the absence of unbalanced forces, the acceleration of the object is zero

ï¼’. Second law of Motion ::
                Before the study of second law of Motion we will know about Linear momentum ,

  ➤ What is linear Momentum. ?     
        The Linear momentum are depend on mass and velocity of object , according to definition of linear Momentum the Linear momentum (p) is equal to multiple of mass and velocity of object .
Linear momentum( p ) = Mass(m) × Velocity(v)
We can say that , the Linear momentum is directly depends on velocity , if mass (M) is constant and when increase the velocity then Linear Momentum will increase . Linear momentum is vector quantity and unit of linear Momentum-  kg - meter / second
According to second law of motion the force work on an object is directly proportional to the rate of change of Momentum and change in Momentum are occurs in the applied force direction . Newton second law is fundamental law of motion we can define newton first law of motion and third law of motion by second law of motion.

    In mathematical form -

          Force rate of change in momentum
          Let , assume mass (m )is Constant , 
Rememberable point :: 
→ second law of motion also define force in mathematical form .
→ The second law of motion is the fundamental law, by which the first law of motion and the third law can be obtained.

3. Third law of motion ::
               Newton third law of motion is also known as action - reaction law because according to this law - when one object exerts force on another object then the second object also exerts equal force on the first object in the opposite direction.
     We can easily understand by an example -

 Motion of rocket 🚀::     
           Jet Airplane or Rocket Speed ​​Jet Burning of fuel in an airplane or rocket produces extremely hot gases, which force the rocket gases to send them out of the hole at the bottom of the rocket, causing the gases to jet.  As they come out with rapid velocity.  Gases exert equal force (reaction) on the rocket, causing the rocket to move forward.

# Other useful topics

● Concept of force , Inertia and types of inertia

● Vector Analysis

● Unit and Dimensions

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  1. very well defined the concept of Newton 's laws

  2. Please add some examples of all law's


      Please read this topic ,


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